About Tec Kids Church

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Elevation Kids

We are raising Godly seeds, destined for greatness!

Who Is The Kids Church For?

Our Junior church is a fun place where we teach Bible stories to our children in such memorable and positive ways. These teachings become life-long lessons, unfolding their meaning as the children grow.

Our mission is to give our children spiritual roots in Christ, so that they can make sense out of life and respond victoriously to its circumstances. Children within the ages of 3-12 years are welcome to come build new relationships while having fun

9am - 10am on Sundays

Online Sunday Service

Anyone is welcome to join us via zoom.
Zoom ID: 91273838761

10am- 12pm on Sundays

In- person service

Anyone is welcome to join our sunday service held at (Church venue)


Pre-teen bible study

Our online weekly preteen bible study holds every Friday via zoom. Our weekly preteen Bible study explores God’s love, builds strong character, and provides practical ways to live out your faith.

Zoom ID: 918751152

The Team

We have a wonderful team of teachers who are specialized in carefully taking care of children. Our team also has a rich curriculum that has been designed to teach age-appropriate lessons and engage the children in fun games and activities

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Full name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tristique nibh libero vitae a dignissim lectus euismod ante.

Full name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tristique nibh libero vitae a dignissim lectus euismod ante.

Full name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tristique nibh libero vitae a dignissim lectus euismod ante.


The privilege of leadership brings with it a higher calling to serve God and humanity.

The privilege of leadership brings with it a higher calling to serve God and humanity.

The privilege of leadership brings with it a higher calling to serve God and humanity.

The privilege of leadership brings with it a higher calling to serve God and humanity.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our Kids Campus

The Elevation Church also known as TEC has been set up by God to develop members to be witnesses for Christ and still empower them to achieve the highest levels of distinction and greatness in life. At The Elevation Church, greatness primarily means service.
According to Mark 9:35, Jesus said that whoever wants to be great in God’s kingdom must first learn to be the servant of all. The privilege of leadership brings with it a higher calling to serve God and humanity. And as we take definite steps to reach out to elevate one another, we elevate our communities as well. Thus, making the spirit of greatness common.
We have a wide variety of ministries and avenues through which our members can serve. Everyone can find a place to spread greatness. So whatever your gift, this is an environment where you can express it and become all God has created you to be!


Upcoming Events At The Elevation Church

Hi! Welcome to The Elevation Church London. We are a people set apart by God to Make Greatness Common! We invite you to: Our mission is to empower you to achieve the highest level of distinction and greatness in life, serving God and humanity with passion. I look forward to welcoming you to church this Sunday for a refreshing time of worship!

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